create a "package.json" nodejs-project file, based on your "deno.json" configuration file.
the following required fields inside of your "deno.json" will get merged into the output:

  • name, version

the following fields inside of your "deno.json" will get merged into the output:

  • description, author, license, repository, bugs, and exports

the following field inside of your "deno.json" will get spread onto your output:

  • packageJson

note that if you use dnt (deno-to-node), then you will have to delete the exports property from the output, otherwise it will ruin/overwrite dnt's output.

  • Parameters

    • deno_json_path: string = default_deno_json_path

      the path to your "deno.json" file. it could be either an absolute path, or a path relative to your current working directory (Deno.cwd()).

    • overrides: PackageJson = {}

      provide additional overrides to apply to your output "package.json" like object.

    Returns Promise<PackageJson>

    a "package.json" like javascript object.