Function bindMethodFactoryByName

generates a factory function that binds a class-prototype-method (by name) to the passed object S (which should be an instance of the class).

const bind_map_set = bindMethodFactoryByName(Map.prototype, "set")
type ID = number
const graph_edges = new Map<ID, Set<ID>>()
const set_graph_edge = bind_map_set(graph_edges) // automatic type inference will correctly assign it the type: `(key: number, value: Set<number>) => Map<number, Set<number>>`
const edges: [ID, ID[]][] = [[1, [1,2,3]], [2, [3,5]], [3, [4, 7]], [4, [4,5]], [5, [7]]]
for (const [id, adjacent_ids] of edges) { set_graph_edge(id, new Set(adjacent_ids)) }

example with assigned default arguments

import { assertEquals } from "jsr:@std/assert"

const bind_queue_delete_bottom_n_elements = bindMethodFactoryByName(Array.prototype, "splice", 0)
const queue = [1, 2, 3, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9]
const release_from_queue = bind_queue_delete_bottom_n_elements(queue) // automatic type inference will correctly assign it the type: `(deleteCount: number, ...items: number[]) => number[]`
const test_arr: number[][] = []
while (queue.length > 0) { test_arr.push(release_from_queue(3)) }
assertEquals(test_arr, [
[1, 2, 3],
[7, 7, 7],
[9, 9, 9],
  • Type Parameters

    • T extends Record<M, BindableFunction<T, any[], unknown[], any>>
    • M extends PropertyKey
    • A extends any[]
    • R extends any


    • instance: T

      an object containing the the method (typically a prototype object, but it doesn't have to be that)

    • method_name: M

      the name of the method to generate the binding for

    • ...args: A

      partial tuple of the first few arguments that should be passed in by default

    Returns <
        S extends Record<M, BindableFunction<T, any[], unknown[], any>>,
        SB extends any[],
        SR extends any,
        thisArg: S,
    ) => (...args: SB) => SR

    a function that can bind any object obj: S to the said method