reads and returns text data from a file on supported runtimes (i.e. RUNTIME.DENO, RUNTIME.BUN, or RUNTIME.NODE). for unsupported runtimes, an error is thrown.

an error is thrown if an unsupported runtime uses this function.

import { assertStringIncludes } from "jsr:@std/assert"

const my_deno_json = await readTextFile(identifyCurrentRuntime(), new URL(import.meta.resolve("../deno.json")))
assertStringIncludes(my_deno_json, `"name": "@oazmi/kitchensink"`)
  • Parameters

    • runtime_enum: RUNTIME

      the runtime enum indicating which runtime should be used for reading the filesystem.

    • file_path: string | URL

      the source file path to read from.

    • config: Partial<ReadFileConfig> = {}

      provide optional configuration on how the reading should be performed.

    Returns Promise<string>