get value of nested obj at a given key-path.

import { assertEquals } from "jsr:@std/assert"

const data = { kill: { your: { self: [0, 1, { 0: 0, 1: { noice: "YAHAHA", 0: "you found me!" } }] } } } as const

// weakly typed variant
keypath_to_noice_parent = ["kill", "your", "self", 2, 1], // note: adding `as const` will not make it strongly typed because of a limitation/bug in `KeyPathsOf`
noice_parent = getKeyPath(data, keypath_to_noice_parent) // type: `unknown`

assertEquals(noice_parent, { noice: "YAHAHA", 0: "you found me!" })

// strongly typed variant
strong_keypath_to_noice_parent: ["kill", "your", "self", 2, 1] = ["kill", "your", "self", 2, 1],
strong_noice_parent: { noice: "YAHAHA", 0: "you found me!" } = getKeyPath(data, strong_keypath_to_noice_parent)

assertEquals(strong_noice_parent, { noice: "YAHAHA", 0: "you found me!" })