• come here, come all! greet the Types' Olympics Champion of winter 2024. it took a while to correctly apply a multitude of gymnastics to get it functioning, but the dedication has paid off! please give curryMulti a round of applause! and don't forget that currying a diverse variety of types all at once brings strength!
    (said a nation right before its downfall)
    now that introductions are over: curryMulti behaves very much like curry, the only difference being that you can bind an arbitrary number of arguments to the curried fn function, instead of just one (like in the case of curry)

    Type Parameters


    • fn: FN

      the function to multi-curry

    • Optional thisArg: THIS

      provide an optional argument to use as the this object inside of fn

    • remaining_args: number = fn.length

      number of arguments remaining until all parameters (required kind, ideally) are filled. intended for internal use onkly

    Returns CurryMultiSignature<FN, R, THIS>

    a curried function that consumes variable number of arguments, until all required parameters are available, after which a return value is spat out


    const abcd = (a: number, b: string, c: boolean, d: symbol): string => (String(a) + b + String(c) + String(d))
    const abcd_diversity_curry = curryMulti(abcd) // type: CurryMultiSignature<(a: number, b: string, c: boolean, d: symbol) => string, string, any>
    42, " hello to za warudo! "
    ) // type: CurryMultiSignature<(c: boolean, d: symbol) => string, string, any>
    (true) // type: CurryMultiSignature<(d: symbol) => string, string, any>
    (Symbol.iterator) // return type: string
    ) // logs `"42 hello to za warudo! true Symbol(Symbol.iterator)"`

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