assertEq(memorized_fn("a camel") , "you owe a camel to the bank.") assertEq(fn_call_count , 1) assertEq(memorized_fn("a camel") , "you owe a camel to the bank.") assertEq(fn_call_count , 1) assertEq(memorized_fn("5") , "you owe 5 to the bank.") assertEq(fn_call_count , 2) assertEq(memorized_fn(5) , "you owe 5 to the bank.") assertEq(fn_call_count , 3) assertEq(memorized_fn("your soul"), "you owe your soul to the bank.") assertEq(fn_call_count , 4) assertEq(memorized_fn("your soul"), "you owe your soul to the bank.") assertEq(fn_call_count , 4)
memorize the return value of a single parameter function. further calls with memorized arguments will return the value much quicker.