applies the function mapping_funcs[K] to input input_data[K], for every key K in mapping_funcs.

see RecordMapper to get an understanding of what mapping_funcs is supposed to look like, and how to type it. moreover, the 3 generic parameters (R, U, D) used here are the same as the ones at RecordMapper, so check it out.

import { assertEquals } from "jsr:@std/assert"

const now_i_know_my = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, s: "nein" }

const now_i_know_my_greek = recordMap({
a: (v) => `${v}-alpha`,
b: (v) => `${v}-beta`,
c: (v) => `${v}-theta`,
s: (v) => 9,
}, now_i_know_my)

now_i_know_my_greek satisfies ({ a: string, b: string, c: string, s: number })

assertEquals(now_i_know_my_greek, { a: "1-alpha", b: "2-beta", c: "3-theta", s: 9 })
  • Type Parameters

    • R
    • U extends { [K in string | number | symbol]: any } = { [K in string | number | symbol]: unknown }
    • D extends unknown = unknown
    • F extends RecordMapper<R, U, D> = RecordMapper<R, U, D>


    • mapping_funcs: F
    • input_data: R

    Returns { [K in string | number | symbol]: ReturnType<F[K]> }