replace the common path among all provided paths by transforming it with a custom map_fn function. all paths are initially normalized and converted into posix-style (so that no "\" windows separator is prevelent).

the map_fn function's first argument (path_info), is a 2-tuple of the form [common_dir: string, subpath: string], where common_dir represents the directory common to all of the input paths, and the subpath represents the remaining relative path that comes after common_dir.

  • the common_dir always ends with a trailing slash ("/"), unless there is absolutely no common directory among the paths at all.
  • the subpath never begins with any slash (nor any dot-slashes), unless of course, you had initially provided a path containing two or more consecutive slashes.
import { assertEquals } from "jsr:@std/assert"

// aliasing our functions for brevity
const eq = assertEquals, fn = commonPathTransform

const subpath_map_fn = ([common_dir, subpath]: [string, string]) => (subpath)

], subpath_map_fn), [
], subpath_map_fn), [
"/C:\\Hello\\World Users\\This\\Is/An\\example/bla.cs",
], subpath_map_fn), [
"World Users/This/Is/An/example/bla.cs",
  • Type Parameters

    • T = string
    • PathInfo extends [common_dir: string, subpath: string] = [common_dir: string, subpath: string]


    • paths: string[]
    • map_fn: (path_info: PathInfo, index: number, path_infos: PathInfo[]) => T

    Returns T[]