joins multiple posix path segments into a single normalized path, correctly handling files and directories differently when the "./" and "../" navigation commands are encountered.


the joinPosixPaths function differs from joinSlash in that it treats segments without a trailing slash as files by default. furthermore, joinPosixPaths is much more quicker to compute, as opposed to joinSlash, which uses some complex regex on each segment. the only reason you might realistically want to use joinSlash is when you desire an non-normalized output.

import { assertEquals } from "jsr:@std/assert"

// aliasing our functions for brevity
const eq = assertEquals, fn = joinPosixPaths

eq(fn("a", "b", ""), "a/b/")
eq(fn("a", "b", "c/"), "a/b/c/")
eq(fn("a/", "b/", "c/"), "a/b/c/")
eq(fn("a", "b", "", "./"), "a/b/")
eq(fn("a", "b", "c/", "./"), "a/b/c/")
eq(fn("a", "b", "c", "../"), "a/")
eq(fn("a", "b", "c/d.txt", "./e.txt"), "a/b/c/e.txt")
eq(fn("a", "b", "c/d.txt", "../e.txt"), "a/b/e.txt")
eq(fn("a/b", "c/d.txt", "..", "e.txt"), "a/b/e.txt") // notice that you can use "." instead of "./"
eq(fn("a/", "b/", "c/", "../", "./","d.txt"), "a/b/d.txt")
eq(fn("a/b", "c/", "..", ".","d.txt"), "a/b/d.txt") // notice that you can use ".." instead of "../"
eq(fn("a/b", "c/", ".d.txt"), "a/b/c/.d.txt")
eq(fn("a/b", "c/", "..d.txt"), "a/b/c/..d.txt")
eq(fn("a/b", "c/", ".d"), "a/b/c/.d")
eq(fn("a/b", "c/", ".d."), "a/b/c/.d.")
eq(fn("a/b", "c/", "..d"), "a/b/c/..d")
eq(fn("a/b", "c/", "..d."), "a/b/c/..d.")
eq(fn("a/b", "c/", "..d.."), "a/b/c/..d..")
eq(fn("a/b", "c/", "..d.", "e.txt"), "a/b/c/..d./e.txt")
eq(fn("a/b", "c/", "..d..", "e.txt"), "a/b/c/..d../e.txt")
eq(fn("./a", "./b", "./c"), "./c")
eq(fn("./a", "/b", "/c"), "./a//b//c")
eq(fn("./a/", "/b/", "/c"), "./a//b//c")
eq(fn("/a", "", "./"), "/a/")
eq(fn("/a", "", "./", "../d.txt"), "/a/d.txt")
eq(fn("/a", "", "./c.txt"), "/a/")
eq(fn("/a", "", "./c.txt/", "../d.txt"), "/a/")
eq(fn("file:", "//", "a/b/c", "./d"), "file:///a/b/d")
eq(fn("file:///", "a/b/c", "./d"), "file:///a/b/d")