TODO: purge this function in the future, if you absolutely do not use it anywhere.

[!note] you'd probably want to use joinPaths instead of this function, for any realistic set of path segments. not only is this more expensive to compute, it does not distinguish between a directory and a file path (intentionally).

join path segments with forward-slashes in between, and remove redundant slashes ("/") and dotslashes ("./") around each segment (if any). however, the first segment's leading and trailing slashes are left untouched, because that would potentially strip away location information (such as relative path ("./"), or absolute path ("/"), or some uri ("file:///")).

if you want to ensure that your first segment is shortened, use either the normalizePath or normalizePosixPath function on it before passing it here.

[!warning] it is recommended that you use segments with posix path dir-separators ("/").

import { assertEquals } from "jsr:@std/assert"

// aliasing our functions for brevity
const eq = assertEquals, fn = joinSlash

eq(fn(".///../a", "b", "c.txt"), ".///../a/b/c.txt")
eq(fn("file:///a/", "", "./c.txt"), "file:///a/")
eq(fn("file:///", "a/", "", "./c.txt"), "file:///a/")
eq(fn("///a//", "b.//", "zip..//"), "///a//b./zip..")
eq(fn("a/", "", "./c.txt", ""), "a/")
eq(fn("a/", "", "./c.txt", "."), "a/")
eq(fn("a/", "", "./c.txt", "./"), "a/")
eq(fn("a/", "", "./c.txt", ".."), "a/")
eq(fn("a/", "", "./c.txt", "..."), "a/")
eq(fn("", "", ""), "")
eq(fn("/", "", ""), "/")
eq(fn("/", "/", ""), "/")
eq(fn("/", "", "/"), "/")
eq(fn("/", "/", "/"), "/")
eq(fn("./", "", ""), "./")
eq(fn("./", "./", ""), "./")
eq(fn("./", "", "./"), "./")
eq(fn("./", "./", "./"), "./")
), "//./././///././//../a/")