Function subclassThroughComposition

create a subclass of the given cls class through composition rather than ES6 inheritance (aka extends). the composed instance resides under the property this._super, and all instance methods of the super class are copied/mirrored in the output class.

TODO: provide a motivation/justification when compositional-mirroring subclass might be necessary to use instead of ES6 extends inheritance.

import { assertEquals } from "jsr:@std/assert"

class A<T> extends Array<T> { constructor(quantity: number) { super(quantity) } }
class B<T> extends subclassThroughComposition(A, {
class: {},
instance: { propertyKeys: ["length"] },
})<T> { }

// `B` mirrors the constructor of `A`, as well as provide an additional `"_super"` property to access the enclosed (class which is `A`)
B satisfies { new(amount: number): B<any> }
B._super satisfies typeof A
// the following cannot be satisfied due to `A`'s restrictive constructor: `B satisfies { new(item1: string, item2: string, item3: string): B<string> }`
// even though `A`'s super class (`Array`) does permit that kind of constructor signature:
Array satisfies { new(item1: string, item2: string, item3: string): Array<string> }

const my_array = new B<number>(5)

// `my_array` encloses an instance of its "subclass" (which is an instance of class `A`) under the `"_super"` key.
assertEquals(my_array instanceof B, true)
assertEquals(my_array._super instanceof A, true)
my_array._super satisfies A<unknown> // this should have been narrowed to `satisfies A<number>`, but typing class extensions with generics is nearly impossible

// `my_array` mirrors the properties and methods of the instances of the "subclass" that it encloses.
assertEquals(, 3)
assertEquals(, 3)
assertEquals(my_array.length, 7)
assertEquals(my_array._super.length, 7)

// `my_array` mirrors the symbolic properties and methods as well.
assertEquals([...my_array], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3]) // the `Symbol.iterator` method is mirrored successfully

// `my_array` when a method that returns `new this.constructor(...)` (such as `Array.prototype.splice`), then an instance of
// the enclosed subclass `A` will be created instead of `B` (had we had a regular inheritance via `class B extends A { }`).
splice_of_my_array = my_array.splice(0, 4, 0, 0),
slice_of_my_array = my_array.slice(3, 4)
assertEquals(splice_of_my_array instanceof A, true)
assertEquals(slice_of_my_array instanceof A, true)
assertEquals([...splice_of_my_array], [1, 1, 1, 1])
assertEquals([...slice_of_my_array], [2])
assertEquals([...my_array], [0, 0, 1, 2, 3])
assertEquals([...my_array._super], [0, 0, 1, 2, 3])

// the class `B` also mirrors static properties and static methods of `A` (and its inherited ones).
// this means that any static method that creates a new instance via `new this(...)` will create an instance of `A` instead of `B`.
new_array_1 = B.from(["hello", "world"]),
new_array_2 = B.of("goodbye", "world")
assertEquals(new_array_1 instanceof A, true)
assertEquals(new_array_2 instanceof A, true)
assertEquals(new_array_1, A.from(["hello", "world"]))
assertEquals(new_array_2, A.of("goodbye", "world"))