Interface PrototypeChainOfObjectConfig

configuration options for slicing the prototype chain returned by prototypeChainOfObject.

only the following combination of options are supported:

  • start and end
  • start and delta
  • end and delta

if all three options are defined, then the delta option will be ignored.

interface PrototypeChainOfObjectConfig {
    start?: number | Object;
    end?: null | number | Object;
    delta?: number;



start?: number | Object

the inclusive starting depth of the returned prototype chain. defaults to 0.

it can be one of the following:

  • a positive integer: slices the full prototype chain starting from the given index.
  • a negative integer: slices the full prototype chain starting from the end of the sequence.
  • an object: slices the full prototype chain starting from the point where the given object is found (inclusive). if the object is not found then the start option will be treated as 0 (i.e. starting from beginning of the chain array).
end?: null | number | Object

the exclusive ending depth of the returned prototype chain. defaults to -1.

it can be one of the following:

  • a positive integer: slices the full prototype chain ending at the given index.
  • a negative integer: slices the full prototype chain from the end of the sequence.
  • an object or null: slices the full prototype chain ending at the point where the given object is found (exclusive). if the object is not found then the end option will be treated as -1 (i.e. ending at the end of the chain array).
delta?: number

the additional depth to traverse on top of either start or end. make sure that you always provide a positive number.

  • when the start option is specified, you will be given delta number of prototype elements after the starting point.
  • when the end option is specified, you will be given delta number of prototype elements before the ending point.