Type Alias DotPathValue<T, DP>

DotPathValue: DP extends `${infer P}.${infer C}` ? DotPathValue<T[P], C> : T[DP]

get the type of nested data through the use of a dot-path.

Type Parameters

  • T extends { [key: string]: any }
  • DP extends DotPath
data = { kill: { your: { self: [0, 1, { 0: 0, 1: { noice: "YAHAHA", 0: "you found me!" } }] } } } as const,
dotpath_to_noice_parent = "kill.your.self.2.1",
DotPathValue<typeof data, typeof dotpath_to_noice_parent>
= { noice: "YAHAHA", 0: "you found me!" }