a Vectorizer is a function that takes in a scalar multivariable math function map_func (consisting of ParamLength number of variables),
and applies that scalar function for each input parameters given by input_arrs[:][i], then writes the numeric output to write_to[i].
is a function that takes in a scalar multivariable math functionmap_func
(consisting ofParamLength
number of variables), and applies that scalar function for each input parameters given byinput_arrs[:][i]
, then writes the numeric output towrite_to[i]
.i.e.: $\forall i \in \left[0, \dots \text{write_to.length} \right), \text{write_to[i]} = \text{map_func}\left( \text{input_arrs[0][i]}, \text{input_arrs[1][i]}, \dots, \text{input_arrs[ParamLength - 1][i]} \right)$
under the hood, these tend to be just plain old
, but the JIT does the clever part of figuring out that they're optimizable.see vectorize0, ..., vectorize5, and vectorizeN to use the functions that implement this type-signature.