Variable forbiddenBaseUriSchemesConst

forbiddenBaseUriSchemes: UriScheme[] = ...

here, you can specify which uri schemes cannot be used as a base url for resolving a url via the resolveAsUrl function.

adding a new uri protocol scheme named "base64-scheme" to our registry, and then forbidding it from being used as a base url:

import { assertEquals, assertThrows } from "jsr:@std/assert"

// aliasing our functions for brevity
const eq = assertEquals, err = assertThrows

// initially, our custom "base64" scheme is unidentifiable, and cannot be used in `resolveAsUrl` as a base url
eq(getUriScheme("base64://a/b/c.txt"), "relative")
err(() => resolveAsUrl("./", "base64://a/b/c.txt")) // "base64://a/b/c.txt" is identified as a relative path, and cannot be used as a base path

// registering the custom protocol-scheme mapping.
// note that you will have to declare `as any`, since the schemes are tightly defined by the type `UriScheme`.
uriProtocolSchemeMap.push(["base64://", "base64-scheme" as any])

// and now, our custom "base64" scheme becomes identifiable.
eq(getUriScheme("base64://a/b/c.txt"), "base64-scheme")

// it is also now accepted by `resolveAsUrl` as a base uri
eq(resolveAsUrl("./", "base64://a/b/c.txt"), new URL("base64://a/b/"))

// since we don't want to make it possible to have "base64-scheme" as a base uri, so we'll put it in the forbidden list.
// once again `as any` is needed, since the `UriScheme` is tightly defined, and its definition cannot be changed.
forbiddenBaseUriSchemes.push("base64-scheme" as any)
err(() => resolveAsUrl("./", "base64://a/b/c.txt")) // "base64://a/b/c.txt" is now amongst the forbidden schemes that cannot be combined with relative paths.
eq(resolveAsUrl("base64://a/b/c.txt"), new URL("base64://a/b/c.txt")) // this is of course not stopping us from building urls with the "base64" scheme, so long as no relative path is attached.