Function constructImageBlob

  • load an image as a Blob, with the chosen optional type encoding (default is "image/png").
    possible image sources are:

    • data uri for base64 encoded image string
    • http uri path string
    • file uri path string
    • buffer of RGBA pixel byte data as Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, ArrayBuffer, or Array<number>
    • ImageBitmapSource, which includes:
      • Blob
      • ImageData
      • HTMLCanvasElement or OffscreenCanvas
      • HTMLImageElement or SVGImageElement or HTMLVideoElement
      • ImageBitmap


    • img_src: AnyImageSource

      anything image representation that can be constructed into an ImageBitmap using constructImageBitmapSource

    • Optional width: number

      when using Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, ArrayBuffer, or Array<number> as img_src, you must necessarily provide the width of the image

    • Optional crop_rect: Rect

      specify a cropping rectangle

    • Optional bitmap_options: ImageBitmapOptions

      these are ImageBitmapOptions that can be used for optionally cropping the img_src, changing its colorSpace, etc...

    • Optional blob_options: ImageEncodeOptions

      specify type: ImageMIMEType and quality: number to encode your output Blob into note that when using Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, ArrayBuffer, or Array<number>, your should provide a width as the second argument to this function
      you can also provide an optional image element as the third argument to load the given img_src onto, otherwise a new one will be made

    Returns Promise<ImageBlob>

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