trim the padding of an image based on sum of pixel conditioning of each border's rows and columns

for example, to trim the whitespace border pixels of an "RGBA" image, irrespective of the alpha, and a minimum requirement of at least three non-near-white pixels in each border row and column, you would design your padding_condition as such:

// distance between pixel's rgb and the white color `(255, 255, 255,)`, should be less than `10 * Math.sqrt(3)` for the pixel to be considered near-white
white_padding = (r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number) => (3 * 255**2) - (r**2 + g**2 + b**2) < (3 * 5**2) ? 0.0 : 1.0
trimmed_img_data = trimImagePadding(img_data, white_padding, 3.0)