vectorize a zero parameter function.

import {
assertLessOrEqual as assertLe,
assertGreaterOrEqual as assertGe,
} from "jsr:@std/assert"

const rand = () => 100 * Math.random()
const arr = new Float32Array(10_000)

vectorize0(rand, arr) // `arr` is now filled with random numbers ranging from `0.0` to `100.0`

const average_of_arr = arr.reduce((cumulative_sum, value) => (cumulative_sum + value), 0) / arr.length
assertLe(average_of_arr, 60.0)
assertGe(average_of_arr, 40.0)

despite being a simple operation with no inputs, this still performs 4 times quicker than, probably due to the fact that passes three arguments.