Type Alias StaticImplements<CONSTRUCTOR, CLASS>

StaticImplements: InstanceType<CONSTRUCTOR>

allows one to declare static interface CONSTRUCTOR that must be implemented by a class CLASS.


your CONSTRUCTOR static interface must contain a constructor method in it. although, that constructor could be super generalized too, despite the other static methods being narrowly defined. take the following for instance:

// interface for a class that must implement a static `clone` method, which should return a clone of the provided object `obj`, but omit numeric keys
interface Cloneable {
constructor(...args: any[]): any
clone<T>(obj: T): Omit<T, number>

to use this utility type, you must provide the static interface as the first parameter, and then typeof CLASS_NAME (which is the name of the class itself) as the second parameter.

Type Parameters

  • CONSTRUCTOR extends new (...args: any[]) => any
interface Stack<T> {
push(...items: T[]): void
pop(): T | undefined
clear(): T[]

interface CloneableStack {
new <V>(...args: any[]): Stack<V>
// this static method should remove all function objects from the stack
clone<T>(original_stack: Stack<T>): Stack<Exclude<T, Function>>

const stack_class_alias = class MyStack<T> implements StaticImplements<CloneableStack, typeof MyStack> {
arr: T[]
constructor(first_item?: T) {
this.arr = first_item === undefined ? [] : [first_item]

push(...items: T[]): void { this.arr.push(...items) }
pop(): T | undefined { return this.arr.pop() }
clear(): T[] { return this.arr.splice(0) }

static clone<V>(some_stack: Stack<V>) {
const arr_no_func = (some_stack as MyStack<V>).arr.filter((v) => typeof v !== "function") as Array<Exclude<V, Function>>
const new_stack = new this<Exclude<V, Function>>()
return new_stack