customize the hex-string representation made by hexStringOfArray using these options
the default configuration is:

const default_HexStringRepr = { sep: ", ", prefix: "0x", postfix: "", trailingSep: false, bra: "[", ket: "]", toUpperCase: true, radix: 16, }
interface HexStringRepr {
    sep: string;
    prefix: string;
    postfix: string;
    trailingSep: boolean;
    bra: string;
    ket: string;
    toUpperCase: boolean;
    radix: number;


sep: string

separator character string between bytes.
defaults to ", "

prefix: string

what string to prefix every hex-string byte with?
defaults to "0x"

postfix: string

what string to add to the end of every hex-string byte?
defaults to "" (an empty string)

trailingSep: boolean

do you want to include a trailing sep after the final byte?
example output when true: "[0x01, 0x02, 0x03,]",
example output when false: "[0x01, 0x02, 0x03]".
defaults to false

bra: string

the left bracket string.
defaults to "["

ket: string

the right bracket string.
defaults to "]"

toUpperCase: boolean

do we want upper case letters for the hex-string?
defaults to true

radix: number

provide an alternate number base to encode the numbers into. see Number.toString for more details.
use 16 for a hex-string, or 2 for binary-string, accepted values must be between 2 and 36
defaults to 16

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